17 June 2017
Grants, New Mexico
Just finished a scouting trip with Butch. I came out to look over some of his new elk country. Beautiful ranches. For two days, we drove from sunrise until sunset. We saw lots and lots of elk. They were in alpine meadows, big pine forests, and scattered in the short juniper hills. The rainfall has been far above average and the country has looked in years. Butch predicts they’ll take monster bulls in this season. Didn’t see one head of cattle on any of his ranches….Great trip.
Butch Porter and his team of experienced guides hunt large free-range private ranches in five units between Grants and Gallup. His hunters, on average, take bulls from the 320-360 range, but often kill bigger bulls and take a 400 class bull every season. Butch has long-term lease agreements with his landowners. He and his team manage the properties with food plots and salt licks. They develop springs, dugouts, and water holes. The ranches do not graze cattle. For the past 16 years, Butch’s ranch management has delivered an amazing track record – his hunters take huge bulls every season. Success runs very close to 100% with rifle and muzzleloader hunters and 70% with bow hunters. Success is always dependent on the hunters’ ability. The hunts are conducted from cabins or deluxe/new fifth-wheel campers. Very comfortable with satellite TV and excellent food – terrifically done. Camp is in a wilderness setting.
For hunt cost and availability, please call or email me. 2017 elk hunts are fully booked.
Next trip report: My white-wing dove shoot in Nicaragua. Super trip. Lots of birds!